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Horses Helping Humans™ is an internationally recognised, award winning programme which empowers vulnerable youth/rangatahi, providing them with life long skills to proactively manage anxiety, anger, stress and pressure.

Horses Helping Humans Taranaki, Hōiho Hāpai Hapori is an approved license centre for Horses Helping Humans ™ 

Horses Helping Humans Taranaki

Learn about HHH Taranaki and who's involved!

Horses Helping Humans Taranaki

1:1 sessions, workshops and training sessions.

Horses Helping Humans Taranaki

Make connection and contact us today!

Horses Helping Humans Taranaki

Show your support, Donate to HHH Taranaki today!

Ngā mihi maioha to all of our amazing funders and supporters

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Goodin Country Garden

Gibson Family Trust

Claude Prince Construction

Taranaki Steelformers

Connect Legal

Schurr Ireland

Craigs Investment Partners

Priscilla Creative

Farmsource Hapori Fund

Jill Stewart and Bruce Butler

Trudy Keegan

Dave Trinder

Z Energy

C and M Legal

Mark Lahood Films


Tom and Sam Robinson

Poseidon Animal Health

Four Square Ōkato

Placemakers New Plymouth

W.R. Phillips

Grounded Kiwi

Nicci Goodin Designer Florist

Legal Solutions

Stephanie Murray Mortgages

McDonald Real Estate

JFM Contracting

Property Brokers New Plymouth

Energy City Ford

Razz Print

Energy Vets Taranaki

John and Lesley Stewart

Lisa Boyd - HorsesForCauses

Brooke Lean

Shining Peak Brewing


Kathy and Wayne Forrest 

Findex NZ Limited

Lee's Trims

Edwards and Hardy 


Harcourts Team Taranaki

Nicholsons Lawyers

Flint Planning Limited

RE/MAX Team Realty

Balance Equine Therapy

New Plymouth RDA

Ōkato Pony Club

Egmont Showgrounds

Egmont Village Riding School

FairPlay Equine

Stable to Stirrup

TGM Creative

Mad Media

David Hooker Fencing


Calm Healthy Horses

John Crawford 

Horses Helping Humans Taranaki

Rangatahi feedback

"The four things I want to remember from HHH are breathe, be brave, be big and be strong".  - 8yo

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