Horses Helping Humans™ is an internationally recognised, award winning programme that was developed by Sue Spence of Australia in 2006. Horses Helping Humans Taranaki, Hōiho Hāpai Hapori (HHH), is an incorporated charitable trust that exclusively purchased the licence to run the programme for the Taranaki region.
HHH empowers vulnerable rangatahi, providing them with life long skills to proactively manage anxiety, anger, stress and pressure. Specific horsemanship exercises (no riding involved), are used to teach rangatahi how they can adjust their breathing, body language and stance to keep themselves calm, strengthening their resilience, improving their assertive communication and enabling them to make better decisions when under pressure.
Rangatahi also learn about the four personality temperaments, Choleric, Sanguine, Phlegmatic, and Melancholic - what we at HHH would call Sunny, Yogi, Larry and Mindy, and the default body language that each displays when under stress. This strengthens their self awareness and their awareness of others.
Our programme is delivered through a trauma informed lens and it aims to incorporate a Te Ao Māori approach to support and be more relatable to rangatahi o Aotearoa.
Our programme is suitable for ages 8 to 18 years who may be experiencing challenges such as
Low self confidence
Please note that those outside the specified age bracket are considered on a case by case basis.